Monday, August 21, 2006

Day 1 - 21st aug 2006

I hate having to set up a blog and post for the first time.

Its as if you have to have this grand opening line that will set you apart from everyone else's blog. So why set up a blog now? Maybe i am secretly hoping that i will get lots of hits and oneday sell it to microsoft for a whole lot of cash and end this vicious circle of day to day life.

I am hoping to update this weeklie blog with three things, So here goes...
  • Work
I wont say where i work incase my idiot of a boss gets round to seeing this and fires me. I have managed to crack the admin password for my PC and therefore i can get round to installing all sorts of software without the morons in IT get to know whats happening. It also means i have access to the internet full time and no one can actually trace my usage...So woo hoo to the NHS. Oh shucks i wasnt meant to say where i work.

Oh well, with everyone who works here i doubt anyone will care. Its a monday which means its busy as hell. But i've cleared all i needed to do and now i've got some time on my hands. So what do i do..? I set up a blog. Well done Remmy...Well done.
  • Politics
Oh where do i begin! We've got Israel arresting the Palestinian Vice President. I mean, Did someone change the definition of 'democratically elected' while i was asleep? Those dudes choose to elect a Palestinian fat'ah dude fair and square...but apparently that didn't sit well with the powers that what do they do...Chuck him out. While on the subject who gets to decide on the difference between an intifada and the war against terror. If you are a Palestinian or a Lebanese person surely the war against terror should be aimed against the people bombing you...not the guys bombing the people bombing you? Grrr!

Enough of that, We've got a whole new word out today. Its called 'Vigilante Profiling', I've got to give it to those spin doctors! According to reports today, some white people went ahead and evicted some Taliban looking people off a plane. This is despite them having gone through all the security checks. Apparently they were talking in hushed tones and looking at their watches a lot. I can just imagine the poor dudes scared about being in a plane load of infidels who keep staring at them. The guys were probably talking in hushed voices because everyone was staring and they were looking at their watches because they were wondering how much longer the agony will last. Lucky for them it didn't last very long...they were forcefully chucked!

I wonder what Louis Armstrong would make of it, you know after singing that "Its a wonderful world" song of his...
  • Arsenal News
Well, following the spirited but 'not-so-good' performance we put in on Saturday, I've had some time to reflect on the merits and faults of the game. I must say a big kudo's to young Theo, surely he will live up to the hype. I loved how the atmosphere of the HUGE stadium changed when he came up and finally we have someone who can all cheer on as we once did for Viera. I've never been a big fan of the Carling cup, but i cant wait to see Young Theo strut his stuff. Looks like he will be definitely be breaking into the first team.

Another exciting prospect is Eboue, however he is definitely a diamond in the rough. I don't like divers and he needs to cut that aspect out of his game. I cant wait to see Fran Merida play for arsenal because i think he is almost a better prospect compared to Fabregas. I hope he works hard in training.

It was nice to see our exports doing well for Birmingham. If Big Nick (Bendtner) continues like that, he will definitely be pushing Van Persie and Adebayor.

So thats all.